UX Design + Educator in Cincinnati, Ohio

People's Liberty PG 3


People’s Liberty Project Grant Cycle 3 Promotional Materials

People’s Liberty was a philanthropic lab that granted to people with civic-minded projects in the Cincinnati region. Twice a year People’s Liberty would award up to 8 individuals $10K to accomplish a project. This could range from placing umbrellas in restaurants to teaching folks at the laundry mat with life skills.

Project grant cycle 3

Project Grants were awarded twice a year. With each new cycle were new applicants. Our challenge was getting the word out about People’s Liberty, since this was so early on in the organizations start. We needed to recruit people who may have never heard of People’s Liberty but had an idea that could be funded with $10K.

I wanted to create something that was different from the normal postcard, poster, and quarter sheets that we usually produced. I wanted this piece to be something that people would interact with and spend more time engaging with it in hopes that they would learn more about the Project Grants and People’s Liberty.

Part of this process was stepping away from the computer to and play with materials we had in the office. The slogan of this round of Project Grants was “Shape the City.” I began by drawing those words and actually cut them out to create a stencil. From there, I decided that I wanted this to fold up and reveal more as the person engaged with it.

During this process I was working with Jon Flannery at Crypogram Ink with producing the project and he connected us with Lindsey from Lucca. Jon did the printing and Lindsey laser cut “Shape the City.”

This format became the standard for several grant cycles.

Here are the recipients of Project Grants from this cycle.

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